Take a trip back in time to the ancient city of Machu Picchu with this curious but delightful combination of fresh, tropical flavours.


  • 50ml toasted coconut infused De Carral Quebranta*
  • 10ml fino sherry
  • 10ml vanilla syrup
  • 1 bar spoon absinthe
  • 3 cumquats, cut in half
  • 1 kiwifruit, cut into cubes


  • In a cocktail shaker, muddle the kiwi and cumquats until all their juice is released
  • Add remaining ingredients and shake hard with ice
  • Fine strain over fresh ice into a rocks glass
  • Garnish with a half cumquat and Thai lime leaves

*To make toasted coconut infused pisco: Place one cup of shredded coconut in a dry pan over medium heat. Stir constantly until about half of the coconut is golden brown. In a clean 1L jar, place the toasted coconut and 1 bottle of pisco. Seal the jar and allow to macerate for 24 hours. Strain the pisco through a coffee filter and it’s ready to use!

Download our recipe card here!